Warehousing in Houston


Last week, I told you about the period in my life during which I worked with warehousing in Houston. It’s interesting that I started that text with saying that, for some reason, this topic seem to be very interesting to many of you. It’s even more interesting that, after my last text, the questions you guys have had has been so many. During the last week, I’ve had so many questions regarding the time that I was doing warehousing in Houston. If I told you how many questions I’ve gotten, you wouldn’t believe me. Trust me, you wouldn’t.

Since this topic creates excitement, at least among some of you, I decided to do another one. This time, I will answer some of the questions collectively. If you feel like you’re wondering something but have not gotten an answer yet – let me know! Write a comment and ask me anything about warehousing Houston, and my time doing that. I’d be happy to answer whatever you need answering.

So, let’s go now.

Why Houston for warehousing?

This is the most simple question regarding this. The place where I was doing warehousing in, in Houston, was located in the same area in which I lived back then. Houston was my home and I didn’t want to leave, so if I could do warehousing a couple of blocks away – Great!

What did you enjoy the least?

It was truly a great place to work. Not just in terms of the many privileges for employees, but for people that wanted high-quality warehousing in Houston. We were the best. Having pointed that out, the early mornings were probably the worst thing. During my first year warehousing in Houston, we all got up at the same time. This had to be done for us to finish work in time for the afternoon. I did not like it, not one bit. I’m not a morning person, as you can understand.

It didn’t last for long though. They decided to rearrange a bit when I’d been there a little over a year, and that was really good. I got to work different times depending on the week day. I know many of my coworkers while warehousing in Houston did not like that, but I did.

I’ll answer more questions next week. Until then, post your questions about warehousing in Houston in the comment section.
